Ships that are about to call at or depart from the Port of Luleå:
The list with traffic information is unfortunately only available in Swedish at the moment. Please see below for the translation of the most common terms:
Vessel type Tankfartyg = Tanker ship Bulkfartyg = Bulk carrier Containerfartyg = Container ship Specialiserat fartyg = Specialized ship Roro-fartyg för passagerare = Ro/ro ship for passengers Övrigt Roro-fartyg = Other Ro/ro ship Torrlastpråm (läktare) = Dry cargo carrier Övrigt torrlastfartyg = Other dry cargo ship Övrigt passagerarfartyg = Other passenger ship Offshorefartyg = Offshore ship Övrigt fartyg = Other ship Kryssningsfartyg = Cruise ship
About the traffic information
The traffic information shown in the list above is a combination of data downloaded from the Swedish Maritime Administration's system MSW Reportal (where ship agents register preliminary information about a call) and data from Port of Luleås Ship register.
When a ship arrives or departs, the list above will be updated with the actual times based on the received AIS-information.
The default setting is that ships in port, ships recently departed and ships with an estimated time of arrival set is displayed.
The information is updated every 5 minutes.
For arriving Cruise ships, calls, go to Cruise ships